Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sunday July 11

I finally came down with the virus or bacterium every traveler is so afraid of due to dirty water or so.  So I am enjoying the river view from my lodge room--there are worse places to be with this condition! 

It is amazing to me to finally see the Amazon Rainforest with my own eyes. I will have to say, the National Zoo in D.C. has done an amazing job at replicating a flooded forest area pointing out the life within the waters as well as that above ground. In addition they do an awesome training job for their volunteers--I was one of them for a year and a half. I didn't expect to see a lot of wildlife because during the flooded season there just isn't a lot around. Also, one must always look up, in addition to down.

With all this said, the sheer vastness of this ecosystem is difficult to fathom. Perhaps I should have invested in a river plane ride just to get a feeling for the dimensions here.

I felt good enough to join the people for dinner (me eating tasteless rice)--two more families had arrived but they didn't mix much. So, my group that evening consisted of the French couple, the American woman from India and the Canadian couple. The latter gave us some insight what life is like one island beyond Halifax. I will put this information to good use but won't add it here. Who knows, one day I might even visit them. These guys were a lot of fun. 


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